Entropia Netscape Class 2 Certificate 

[ Find a Digital ID S/MIME Certificate | Send us E-Mail | More about Entropia ]

Please complete this simple enrollment form, read our Individual Subscriber Agreement below, and then click the Generate Key and Send Request button to generate your Digital ID. 

Before you can use certificates from our Certificate Authority, you will need to install and enable our CA certificate for Netscape, or for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.  When you install the CA certificate, please enable it for e-mail and sites.


Step 1: Netscape Digital ID Information

Note: Currently, only Netscape can generate a S/MIME certificate with our service, but the certificate, once made, can be installed into Netscape, exported as a p12 file (PKCS12 format), then imported into Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.  Once installed, it can be used for secure communications by both Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape. 

This information is used to create the public portion of your Digital ID and can be viewed by recipients of your Digital ID. Please complete all of the fields. Only your e-mail address is verified by Entropia. Please use only the English alphabet with no accented characters.

First Name and Middle Initial (or Nickname)  Examples: Mary, Jane Q
(no punctuation please)
Last Name  Examples: Doe, Smith, Public 
Email Address  Example: iam@somedomain.com 
Include e-mail address in Digital ID?
Yes No
Including your e-mail address in your ID allows you to use your ID for secure e-mail (S/MIME). 

Step 2: Choose a Challenge Phrase

The challenge phrase is a word or phrase you will use if you need to revoke (cancel) or replace your Digital ID. Choose a word or phrase that you will remember, but would be unfamiliar to anyone attempting to impersonate you. Make sure you remember your Challenge Phrase! If you write it down, be sure to store it in a safe place. Without your challenge phrase, Entropia cannot revoke your Digital ID if it is compromised or lost.  

Please do not include any punctuation in your challenge phrase, but spaces are ok. 

Challenge Phrase 

 Step 3: Choose Full Service Class 2 Digital ID

A full service Entropia Digital ID comes with these features:   

  • Send and receive secure e-mail (via S/MIME) 
  • Replaces passwords and enables one-step registration at participating websites 
  • Free replacement and revocation of your Digital ID should it be lost or corrupted 
I have selected a free fully-operational Entropia Digital ID. 
I would pay for this service, but want a free Entropia Digital ID anyway.

Read (unimplemented) CPS

If you agree to be bound by the Subscriber Agreement, click Generate Key and Send Request to send your Digital ID request to Entropia.

Your web browser will prompt you to set up a password to protect the private key associated with your Digital ID. Your private key is your unique electronic signature (stored securely on your computer) that is used to create your Digital ID and to encrypt/decrypt messages or files encrypted/decrypted with the public portion (public key) of your Digital ID. Your private key and password are stored on your computer and are not transmitted to Entropia.   

If you do not agree to be bound by the Subscriber Agreement, click the Decline button. 



Optional: Choose Your Encryption Strength

The security of your Digital ID depends on the size of the "key" you choose. Larger keys are more secure. If you use the standard version of Netscape Navigator or Communicator, choose 512 from the list below. If you use the US-only version, you can choose 768 or 1024 for greater security.


*Entropia Internet Certificate Authority is a free public test of Netscape, Microsoft and RSA cryptographic technology.
�1998 Entropia.com